The way I understand the machinery aspect of it is that it will be treated more like a department of government. It won't be like Mr. Shapiro's office, for example. It will go through the supplementary estimates and to Treasury Board for submissions.
However, I guess what I'm very encouraged with so far is that because this whole notion.... Looking at the election platforms as we did, there wasn't a party that wasn't behind an independent, resourced commissioner. So I'm hopeful, as I look forward to supplementary estimates and that sort of thing, that Parliament will continue to resource. It's up to me to make good arguments for these things, as it always is, and it's up to Treasury Board officials to challenge those, which I assure you they have, because that's their job, but I'm quite hopeful that the office of the commissioner that I see portrayed in Bill C-2 is going to be able to make a significant difference.