Not to drag this on, but you were talking about your information campaign and informing people of the act, etc. Have you been invited, for example, to address newly elected members of Parliament after an election? Have you thought of that? We were talking about it taking two to lobby and that this is complex legislation. For the vast majority of people, I would say it's not one of the top things on their agenda to know the Lobbyists Registration Act when they're trying to get elected.
Could I recommend to you that you think about inquiring with the people who arrange the orientation sessions for new members of Parliament to perhaps make a presentation or have your office make a presentation so that at least they're aware of it?
Similarly, have you spoken with senior deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers? Do you have little seminars with them? You mentioned the RCMP. Through the course they take in order to become RCMP officers, perhaps there'd be an opportunity for you to make some comments to them and bring the legislation to their attention as well.