I'll refrain from commenting on that issue without the benefit of having a detailed investigation and looking at the facts of who said what to whom and when, and the premise of the search that was done or how complete it was. If you find in a situation that it was cursory and his request was given no attention or time, you could conclude something else.
The latter part of your question is relevant--and I don't mean in a procedural sense--to comments I made earlier, and that is the amendment brought to the statute under Bill C-2. I'll read it again in English. I've summarized it, so it's not that long:
The head of a government institution shall, without regard to the identity of a person making a request for access to a record under the control of the institution, make every reasonable effort to assist the person in connection with the request, respond to the request accurately and completely and, subject to the regulations, provide timely access to the record in the format requested.
That section will come into force on September 1. I can say that as a new commissioner coming in, it will form very much part of my agenda in the application of this act.