We have a saying in the NDP that freedom of information is the oxygen democracy breathes, and if that's the case we're having another smog day under the Conservative Party here, because they don't seem to have any commitment to open government whatsoever. It could be that these are rogue bureaucrats, and that's the Liberals' favourite reason when things go bad, that there's a rogue bureaucrat somewhere who's doing all the bad stuff, but somebody is setting the tone for these rogue bureaucrats to be so obstinate and to be such a barrier to access to information instead of an aid.
I appreciate Mr. Marleau pointing out that it's an integral part of the act, that the ATIP coordinators are actually on the side of the applicant, they're their advocate, they're their gatekeeper to help them get in, not to put up further gates to keep them out. That's what we seem to lose sight of sometimes. It's not the ATIP coordinator's job to prevent the government from being embarrassed by news stories that are in the newspaper.
The final thing I'd say is if Mr. Reid would like me to be led off in handcuffs because I'm trying to help with this investigation, he should get a bunch of tiny little handcuffs for every paper boy for The Globe and Mail who delivered the very same information to every household and doorstep in the country. Honestly, this is a really ham-fisted attempt to try to silence people who are just trying to get down to the truth, and I resent it, for the record, seeing this has become the subject of this particular meeting.
Thank you.