Excuse me, Mrs. Lavallée.
On your point, Madame, I just want to remind you again that the foreign affairs committee specifically passed a resolution asking that the Department of Foreign Affairs provide an unexpurgated copy of the report to the committee. That request was turned down by the deputy minister, and a copy of his letter was sent to me, in effect saying--by the way I read it--that if we make the same request, we're going to get the same answer. We're then at a stage at which Mr. Walsh told us that we decide how much banging of the desks we wish to do in each case, and/or whether we want to go to the House of Commons and ask for direction in this regard. That's just to remind you about that--that a committee of the House of Commons has already made a request and been turned down by DFAIT.
Commissioner, Madame Lavallée asked you about the spirit of the act as well, and your opinion of the spirit of the act. Before we get to Mr. Martin, is it the spirit of the act, in your view, that if you do not ask for a document by its exact name, you don't get it?