Mr. Chair, as you and the committee members will know, I'm not a regular member of this committee. I may be asking a question that's been covered previously, but I ask for your indulgence.
Mr. Kratchanov, you indicated that it's not a scientific process, that it's oftentimes more art than science, indicating that there are divergent interests that need to be balanced in providing information and still protecting privacy.
You also mentioned that two different ATIP coordinators might come to a slightly different result, so there's a process of appealing to the Information Commissioner. Section 2-9 of section 1 states:
The role of the Commissioner is to attempt to mediate a resolution of complaints in order to avoid, if possible, costly and time-consuming recourse to the Federal Court.
Could you give us an idea of what percentage of the 25,000 information requests, or what number, might actually go to the Information Commissioner? Maybe that's already in the information and I haven't read it. Of that number, what percentage would go on to Federal Court for adjudication?