The United States—and I have seen these reports over time, but I haven't read one recently—prepares a global report, and that report is public from the moment it is written. It's written for public consumption by those who prepare it.
That's the difference with our reports. First of all, they aren't written for the public consumption point of view. These things are written with confidential sources, with a full and frank assessment of the situations in different countries, not intended for public consumption.
So if you look at one of these reports—and again, I haven't seen one recently—as I recall, they tend to be almost statements of media reports of violations of human rights in a country, and so forth, some of them not even verified but simply quotations of individuals who have alleged there to have been, and that sort of thing.
So they're not rigorous, but they do represent to the governments that produce them a compendium of observations that they believe serve a useful public purpose.