Well, I have to say this one has troubled me as well, Mr. Chairman, because I too was concerned about some aspects of this chronology. As I understand it, having talked to my staff as late as yesterday about this, I could see how, in looking at the nature of the request, they could have come to the conclusion about the global reports and so on. Again, it's a contextual thing.
Could we have done better on this one by asking some probing questions? Perhaps. I don't disagree with you on this one, but when you look at the context.... I don't have the material here; maybe we could provide that to you, if you like. I'm sorry if I'm sounding apologetic for my people, but they have a lot of requests coming across their desks. They're trying to handle them in a hurry; they see this, they take a quick read, and they say he's looking for a global report. They send it off--let's see what we can get. I think there's some aspect of that there.
On the issue you talked about farther down--April 10, and taking hundreds of hours to locate the reports--I'm not sure that.... Again, Ms. Kutz is here and will speak for herself later, but I think probably what she's saying is not to locate all the reports; I suspect she's saying it's 100 hours if he wants all the reports, and that it's going to take hundreds of hours to go through them and redact them.