Absolutely. The false statements in the affidavit triggered this feeding frenzy, where Mr. Schreiber--aided by, shall we call them, two different either broadcasting or publishing groups, his enablers--filed a false affidavit to generate this feeding frenzy, and here we are today. Did you get anything new out of him? Did you find out this big secret thing he was supposed to do?
I'll tell you that on November 15 the National Post interviewed Mr. Schreiber. There were big headlines: Boy, when I get down there, have I got things to say. This is the greatest scandal in Canadian history. Boy, oh boy, you just let me out of jail and give me bail, and boy, oh boy, are you going to love me, because it's going to be Christmas every day.
Well, he gets.... The National Post asks him the following question, the final question of the story. This is from the National Post, November 15, 2007. I ask you all to pay particular attention to this. This is eight days after he filed his false affidavit. The National Post wrote:
While Mr. Schreiber will save his new revelations for the inquiry, when asked outright if he knows of any wrongdoing by Mr. Mulroney he answered: “I don't know, the inquiry has to find out.”
The devil made me do it.
He goes on: “This is something I would like to find out. I am very suspicious in the meantime that things happened I might not even have known about.” Question: “Do you know of any wrongdoing by Mr. Mulroney?” Answer: “No, I don't know.”
This is the man who a week before had signed an affidavit loaded down with falsehoods, like a Christmas tree on December 25. That was his “get out of jail” card. He created a frenzy with his two media allies, and here we all are today.