This is what he did. This is the way he operated. You look through the correspondence. Look what he did with the affidavit. His movements are determined throughout the piece by his need to avoid extradition. He will do and say anything.
If you look at the correspondence carefully, one day he blames Mr. Chrétien and the Liberal government for the entire Airbus affair and demands a royal commission. Whoops! Mr. Harper wins, and he's expecting something from him. He doesn't get it, and he blames Mr. Harper and the Conservatives. One day, through Mr. Greenspan, and in many other instances, he is threatening to sue The Fifth Estate television program. The next day, he's the sweetheart of Sigma Chi with them, arm in arm down the lane, and they become his champions when it's to his interest to advance the cause of seeking to avoid extradition.
I got this thing. This was....
That was pure Schreiber.
I just took it aside and sent it to my lawyer, and that was the end of it.