I have one last question, because the time is so short.
Earlier, you referred to the mandate given to the future commission of inquiry. You said quite rightly that the Prime Minister promised a full public inquiry. After his musings over the Christmas period, when he said that maybe we did not need an inquiry, all of a sudden, Mr. Johnston reports that we no longer need a full inquiry, that this is well-tilled ground, and to back this up, he quotes from Stevie Cameron in a footnote.
Given what you said earlier about how we should follow the money, in particular the $10 million, do you think Mr. Johnston's mandate for the commission of inquiry is broad enough to allow us to follow the money? Do you think that this committee should be requiring the production of a paper trail, tax and bank records? Would it be preferable for us to continue our work, or do you think that the mandate of the commission is broad enough?