I know we have to brief.
I would say, in answer to your question, that there were two periods. The period from 1995 until the settlement was reached in 1997 was a period when it was my work to speak on Mr. Mulroney's behalf. I earned my living as a public relations consultant, and Mr. Mulroney was a client. I could devote all the necessary time and resources to serving my client. Starting in 2000, when I joined Quebecor, I helped Mr. Mulroney and his family when communication issues arose. For example, when he was sick, I was the family's spokesman, as well as when he had various activities that resulted in calls from the media and when this affair resurfaced. But quite honestly, I'm not trying to avoid the issue; that wasn't my job. I didn't see Mr. Mulroney every day or even every week or month. We spoke on the telephone for three, five or 10 minutes, briefly. That's it.