Mr. Lalonde, you have answered our questions frankly and straightforwardly. However, the answer to one of the questions is still a little vague. You knew Mr. Schreiber. You have since learned that Mr. Schreiber himself admitted to paying $300,000. The person who says he received the money claimed that the amount was just $225,000. The money was paid, but there is no receipt, no written mandate, nothing.
Does that sound like the person you worked for legitimately, the person with whom your dealings were above suspicion and your transactions completely above board? I am sure that you, like most people, think that $300,000 is a lot of money to give to a politician shortly after he leaves office. Everyone thinks that from the start and waits for some explanation of why they should not think that.
According to your description of Mr. Schreiber and what you knew about him, he seemed to be a businessman of considerable means who did things above board. Can you explain why he paid $300,000 to that kind of man?