Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Lalonde, for being here.
My, you have a long and distinguished career, sir. What was read into the record isn't really complete. I read that in 1959 you were a special adviser to the justice minister in the Diefenbaker government; in 1967 in the PMO, adviser to Prime Minister Pearson; then you worked as principal secretary to Prime Minister Trudeau as well as those things. And then it continues on. After you retired, sir, you've.... As I said, it's pretty safe to say that you certainly know your way around here and you'd certainly know how things work in government.
I want to read these questions into the record, if I could. We are doing a study obviously on the Bear Head project, on the Airbus purchase, and how that affects Mr. Mulroney.
Do you have any evidence to offer this committee of any wrongdoing by any public official regarding the Bear Head project?