I'd tell you if I knew, if I had absolute knowledge, but I'm a journalist and I deal with the facts. As I told you in my introduction, my work hasn't been challenged, so it's important for me to tell you that I do not have more than I have. I have what I have. I haven't worked on this since 2001.
The CBC team has done a brilliant job of giving you more information. I think that's all I can say. In terms of the money that I saw Mr. Schreiber...what we now understand was given to Mr. Mulroney, I saw those withdrawals coming out of those accounts. I saw the set-up for meeting with Mr. Doucet. I saw many meetings with Mr. Doucet over the years--many. I have a lot of information on that, but in terms of what you really want to know, which is the money, what I have is what I have.