We are certainly quite aware that to do either of the acts properly, it is not a two- or three-month project. It is several months. We need to make that commitment, and I hope we're not leaving this too late before we can have a role to play in improving the situation and working with you.
So I thank you and your colleagues for coming to give us a frank assessment of where you are. I think the members are quite satisfied with your numbers, other than the fact that quite frankly, when it gets down to it, money should not be the reason we are not doing the job as well as we are. If it's FTEs, Treasury Board maybe just doesn't get it--I don't know. If we can help in that regard, we can't increase budgets, but maybe we have to start that dialogue with Treasury Board when putting important acts like the Access to Information Act in such jeopardy. So thank you kindly.