Thank you, Mr. Chair.
If you're paying attention, I will just move a motion to amend the motion that's in front of us.
I move that all the “ands” between the 27th and the 29th...and then he has “on Tuesday December 4th, Thursday December 6th, and Tuesday December 11th”. I would like to put the word “or” instead of “and” in there. I will even go with “and/or”. Let me do that; I'll move “and/or”.
That gives this committee some flexibility, that if we had the answers we want from the individuals in front of us, whatever the date is, we're not having a witness here for three meetings in a row, if it's useless, if it's a roundabout way of doing things, for show and not for action.
So for me to even consider this motion, I need at least “or” so that we can decide whether it's a two-hour meeting or a four-hour meeting, and not six hours, without any flexibility.
Thank you.