Good afternoon, colleagues.
This is our 30th meeting. Our order of the day is Privacy Act reform.
Today our witness again is Ms. Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner, from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. I'm going to allow her to introduce her colleagues.
I had a little discussion with Ms. Stoddart pursuant to our discussion at our last meeting, where we had a review of the estimates and some particular questions regarding some of the human resources issues, particularly recruitment, lapsing salaries, etc.
The commissioner has undertaken to provide a document, which has been circulated to all of you. I hope you have it. It's called “Supplemental Information on Human Resources Management”, dated April 29, 2008.
Since this is not really an order of reference but rather a follow-up, we will have some comments from the commissioner on the human resources issues raised by the honourable members at the last meeting. We will probably want to carry this discussion forward to our next meeting with the Treasury Board to see if we can get a little more information. Then we'll decide whether or not the committee wishes to do anything further. There are a couple of options we can discuss at that time. We'll deal with that initially. It won't take very long.
Following that we are going to deal with the other report, also dated April 29, “Proposed Immediate Changes to the Privacy Act”, which I believe all members received in their offices. I want to compliment the commissioner and her staff for doing an excellent job on that document.
Commissioner, welcome. Let's start with the HR subject matter. Maybe you can introduce those who are going to help us get our focus on this matter.