I'm fairly certain, and I'll double-check on my stuff for Mr. Martin when he comes back, but one of the things that exposed this was.... I did a campaign back in 2003 with regard to the Canada census. That was outsourced to Lockheed Martin, and what came about, because of the Patriot Act, is that all the Canadian information on our census data was vulnerable.
As you know, with the Patriot Act, once it goes over to the United States, where they were going to bring that information for correlation and data summary to package it for us.... It's against the law for Lockheed Martin, if that information is actually accessed, to even disclose that back to Canada. It's against the law for them to tell, even if it's a subsidiary.... For example, CIBC was another campaign I was on. CIBC outsourced its information to an American company; that company cannot even inform CIBC when its data is accessed by the FBI and CIA under that system.
What ended up happening with the Lockheed Martin and Census Canada case is that Census Canada made them undertake certain measures in Canada and keep that information there, costing the government of the day millions of dollars or more, which probably defeated the whole point of outsourcing this in the first place. At any rate, that could be a potential model, to require Canadian companies to abide by privacy information.
Do you have any comments on that? I think that's a model that should be enforced in the private sector here in Canada. Then you would never have the leakage, because we can't control it once it leaves the country unless we actually have an information treaty.