That's a very complex question, and it requires me to parse it out a little bit. Basically, our powers at the border are derived from the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act together with the Customs Act. When you arrive at the border, you can anticipate questions. We have to establish who you are and what your purpose is in coming into the country, even if it is to return home. We also have to establish whether you have any regulatory responsibilities, whether you are carrying any goods that might be subject to some act or legislation.
In doing this, we have to process a great number of people. There are about 300,000 travellers who come through every day. What we have out of jurisprudence, through the Supreme Court of Canada, is that your expectation of privacy at the border is diminished, because we have to figure out who you are and what your purpose is in coming to Canada.
Our institution has a responsibility to be careful about the information they gather from you. We have a great deal of latitude. We can ask questions for a business purpose, a customs purpose, or an immigration purpose. We have to be careful about how we treat your information.