I'm a typical academic in the sense that I'm not very good at answering resourcing questions.
It would not be a trivial cost but I don't think it would be major. I think everybody working for a government or a private sector has to work more efficiently, has to work smarter, has to focus on what ought to be done. They should be using more individuals to do things rather than groups of people doing things.
The privacy experts in the Privacy Commissioner's office should be meeting with the privacy experts in these various ministries and sorting out issues in a conciliatory fashion, not fighting like this. I call them privacy watchdogs, but I want them to be non-confrontational, to win the attention of the people who are supposed to be regulating, to depend on goodwill, to promote privacy interests properly, to recognize that eventually Parliament is going to decide anyway. If Parliament doesn't decide properly, the courts can tell Parliament they didn't do it properly, just as they could tell the Privacy Commissioner they didn't do something properly.