Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Flaherty, I intuitively support your propositions, since I'm an opponent of big government. I'm an opponent of big brother snooping into the privacy of my life or anybody else's life mostly because I'm concerned about the potential abuse of power. Information can provide power to individuals who want to manipulate or extort or, in the case of identity theft, impersonate individuals.
I recognize those concerns. A couple of minutes ago you responded to the question of one of my colleagues about why we should be concerned about this. You asked whether he was taking drugs, whether he had ever had psychiatric care, what the balance of his bank account was. The drugs and psychiatric care are provincial responsibilities, and the bank account information is a private matter that PIPEDA would apply to.
So I want to hear from you, from a federal government perspective, apart from identity theft, apart from people stealing people's social insurance numbers and birth dates and impersonating them, what other example of a risk you can think of that the federal government is trying to prevent.