Like Bob, I'm not a member of the Privacy Act club. My old law boss always used to say that the world is made up of clubs, and it just depends which club you're a member of. There is the Privacy Commissioner's club. I noticed that when the Privacy Commissioner testified here, there was a conference in Montreal with 700, I think it was, participants, and so on and so forth. It seems to me that getting the transcripts and sharing the experiences of different countries, obviously like-minded countries, can be hugely useful. But that's a general statement.
In terms of data breaches, CSIS is in a rather unique position, because our information holdings have been in electronic form operationally for a long time. Administratively it has been less--for the last ten years or so. We have no contact with outside systems. Therefore, in terms of breaches, frankly, in some ways our world is simpler, because we don't have a lot of holes in the toothpaste tube. We're self-contained.