Thank you very much.
In our committee I don't think we've ever taken a recorded vote. We can count and we can see.
I'd like to move on with our witnesses. We still have some time left, and I think it's important that they've been patient with us.
We have two witnesses. From the Royal Canadian Mounted Police we have Mr. Bob Paulson, chief superintendent, acting assistant commissioner, national security criminal investigations. Welcome, Mr. Paulson.
From the Canadian Security Intelligence Service we have Mr. Geoffrey O'Brian, advisor, operations and legislation. Welcome.
Gentlemen, we apologize. We've taken a fair bit of time on a very serious matter. As I indicated to you, the most important part of the meeting is the dialogue--the questions and answers. I understand that you have submitted to us some opening comments. They have been received by us, so you may want to just highlight some of the points. We'll see if we can get to questions and comments as soon possible, if that's okay.
Mr. O'Brian.