You've pretty well covered the issues I was interested in. I'm not privy to the different list you have, and I question whether or not the subcommittee or the overall committee should be privy to that. So far, with the exception of the police officer, everybody has pretty well agreed generally with the commissioner's recommendations.
Someone out there must have some opposing opinions. Everybody has opposing opinions on everything. Without looking at the overall list, I don't know who that would be. I'm interested in the possibility--maybe the clerk and Ms. Holmes can make some comments--of having groups, as opposed to one person. We have two hours in a day, so you could have groups for either the full two hours, or two different groups, depending on who they are.
One of my observations is that several witnesses have come here, with due respect, who didn't seem to be prepared. They didn't seem to know why they were here. They had no comments about anything. They said “Here we are. Fire away with questions.” That's okay, but normally people come with some observations. They've looked at the recommendations. I'm just throwing that out to the clerk for the future. Maybe they were briefed--or maybe they weren't--but I hope in the future, groups will come and tell us what they agree with, what they don't agree with, and give us their own observations. If they had something in writing it might be useful for committee members as well.
So my observation is that several witnesses--not all--came here unprepared. I'm sure the group here today will be very well prepared, absolutely.
I don't know who's on your list, but one name I have is Dr. Ann Cavoukian, the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. I know she's respected across the country as a privacy and information commissioner. If she's on your list and coming, that's fine; if she isn't, I hope we will consider her.
There's a group that Madam Lavallée might remember. I don't remember what it was called. It was a newspaper guild. Does anyone remember them? They were mainly an information group, but they might have some observations on privacy. They represented the newspaper people across the country.
Those are the only names, and they may well be on your list. I doubt if the newspaper people are, but hopefully Dr. Cavoukian is.