The challenge you are facing, or articulating, quite frankly, is the challenge I have with all the legislation for which I'm responsible. You will remember, of course, that in the Tackling Violent Crime Act, for instance, we raised the age of consent for sexual activity from 14 to 16 years of age. This comes from 1892, and what I'm faced with many times in the Criminal Code is not just that it was composed in 1892, but that for the most part it was adopted from English Criminal Code statutes that go back far beyond that.
So I appreciate your challenge and the challenge you have with this legislation. I certainly look forward to any recommendations you make with respect to the Privacy Act and any recommendations you make with respect to this or indeed any other legislation.
You put your finger on it that we try to look at these on a regular basis, and we try to update them to make them as responsive as possible. That's the challenge we have. As I say, sometimes we're even changing things that are from the 19th century, never mind the 20th century.