Thank you. You're excused.
Colleagues, Mr. Hiebert had asked me about witnesses. I want to first of all inform members that despite our best efforts, we were not able to get any provincial privacy commissioner to be with us on Thursday.
We do have the Bar Association coming on June 3, Correctional Service of Canada on June 5, and the Privacy Commissioner is tentatively scheduled to come back before us on June 10. The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime has been invited, and we have already followed up with them. And we have not had the chiefs of police.
The only other specific one was with regard to Correctional Service of Canada, which is next Thursday. That's where we are right now. Of course, every time we hear witnesses, and of course the ministry now, other thoughts and things....
I'm going to hear from Mr. Hiebert, given that's where we are right now, if he has further thoughts for the committee's consideration.