First of all, the chair is not obligated to explain to you, on your question, or to others. Let me indicate that the motion is asking us to determine whether the actions meet the ethical standards expected of public office holders, but it's not simply that issue. It's whether or not the nature of the item is properly reflected in the Standing Orders and in the code with regard to obligations. This is like an example. It's not the specifics of it, but rather an example of whether there are standards.
In any event, we have witnesses. From the Canadian Bar Association we have Mr. Gregory DelBigio, chair of the national criminal justice section; and Mr. David Fraser, treasurer, national privacy and access law section.
Welcome, gentlemen.
I apologize for the delay. It was important that we get that matter out of the way.
We know we have until 5:30 or maybe a little longer, if the members are into it, to engage you on matters of importance.
As you know, we're dealing with the Privacy Act. It's not necessarily a comprehensive review, but we're certainly focusing ourselves, as you're probably aware, on some of the so-called quick fixes that may allow us to improve the situation to some extent while consideration is being given to a more comprehensive review of the act.
I welcome you. I understand you have a brief opening statement, and I will ask you to start now.