Okay. Let me see if I can respond, just so everybody knows.
At the last meeting, as we were debating the prior motion of Mr. Martin, it appeared to me very late in the meeting that that matter was not going to be completed. I was also very well aware that we had scheduled witnesses who had to travel here, and I requested that the clerk give notice of another meeting, at the call of the chair, to continue the committee business.
As it turned out, we did in fact complete that item. I forgot to tell the clerk not to call that meeting. He followed his instructions; it was my mistake. But I don't want the members to feel there are any other things. I have already indicated to Mr. Hiebert that unless the committee agrees otherwise, our meetings are as regularly scheduled, 3:30 to 5:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays, until the committee decides otherwise.
In regard to this matter, I understand that once we get started and should we get into the situation you described, the committee can give its consent to say that in the best interests of all, and our witnesses, we should hear from them today—they're here, they've travelled here—and that there is a logical point at which we may suspend the proceedings or the debate on the matter before us, to be continued at the point where we left off, at our next meeting when we have a little bit more time to deal with it.
That is my proposal to the committee. If the committee wishes to do otherwise, I will certainly entertain any proposals. But in the meantime, I would ask Mr. Hubbard to move his motion.