Oh, just two years as well. Okay.
For the most part, I take it you're in agreement with the Privacy Commissioner. As you say in your remarks, complaints must be handled indiscriminately by government departments, even though the individual may simply have an axe to grind against that government institution.
I've been asking this other background stuff, and I take it from what you say that you have a genuine concern about whether there might be something getting into the category of trivial, frivolous, and vexatious. But in your previous remark that these must be handled indiscriminately—I'll give you a chance to respond here and defend yourself—does that kind of suggest to me that you have a bias to say, “Well, maybe there's really very little point; because they have to be handled indiscriminately, somebody may or may not have an axe to grind, so why would we even look at whether it's trivial, frivolous, vexatious?”