If you don't mind, I'm going to tell you what I really think. I find that the Conservative election promise of transparency is one of the biggest jokes we've heard in a long time. The attitude of Conservative members on this committee just goes to show that they're trying to avoid the transparency they promised during the election campaign by doing everything in their power to avoid discussing and passing a motion that would enable us to examine something illegal that may have been done.
That said, we have spent eight hours listening to their arguments and repetitions. Do you know how much those eight hours cost? It's another unkept election promise, the promise of a good government that uses the money of Canadian and Quebec taxpayers properly. I don't even want to calculate the cost of eight hours of committee work lost to nonsense and repetition.
To conclude, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a formal request. I'd like the Conservative members to recognize that they've made all of their arguments on the amendments, the subamendments and Mr. Hubbard's motion, and to proceed with the vote to determine whether they were sincere when they promised transparency and good government.
Thank you.