Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to go to the business of limits for election expenditures by both parties and individuals. Overall, in terms of these 68 situations, it appeared that the Conservative Party had reached its maximum or approached that maximum. It's the old story, Mr. Chair, that there is a smell test to a lot of this after time. The whole thing is not smelling very good, because apparently this group that got involved with purchasing a lot of media decided to allocate that expense back to particular candidates in different ridings. With that in mind, one has to almost assume that it was a scheme to launder money or to get money moved around so that candidates at the local level would assume expenses of a national party.
Is it true, Mr. Mayrand?
Mr. Bernier, we haven't had an opportunity to ask you. When you look at the $18 million that we're approaching, and there is another nearly $1.3 million about to be spent, the guy who's sitting there shuffling this money around suddenly realizes he's going to go over the limit, so the invoices go back to the individual ridings to which the $1.3 million is allocated. It would appear, therefore, that the maximum limit--the cap on the Conservative Party--hasn't and will not be exceeded. Is that correct, Mr. Bernier?