Thank you.
I think a number of times earlier this morning you referred to bringing closure to these files. I appreciate from your comments that you didn't believe that there were sufficient grounds to authorize the reimbursement, or the refund, of this money in these 67 claims, and then you referred it to the commissioner and so on. What I'm trying to understand is if, in your view, they did not constitute appropriate expenses incurred by the candidates claiming them. I asked you earlier if presumably they would be expenses of the national party--advertising expenses that are clearly political in an election have to be assumed by some lawful authority in a campaign--and you said you didn't have enough information or you couldn't make that judgment yet; I forget the exact phrase.
Could you expand on that? Did you request information? For example, what information are you missing to be able to decide if in fact they should be attributed to the national party? Is there information that you've requested that the Conservative Party perhaps hasn't given you, or that the local candidates haven't given you? What's the process to decide where that $1.2 million ends up--on what column it goes?