Absolutely. In fact, I remember meeting Monsieur Mayrand a number of times. I have nothing but the greatest respect for this man. But clearly something has gone wrong, and if this is anything besides a Liberal political public stunt, then our members will vote to continue for at least eight more rounds. That is absolutely fair, especially given the parameters of which questions we can ask the witness and which questions the witness can answer or can't answer, all of which was debated at committee.
This is not a surprise to anybody. We said full well...and everybody argued that this should be before the courts, where questions have no restrictions and answers have no restrictions.
Guess what? There's no group of opposition parties who, just by their numbers, can control and dictate the outcome for personal political gain. That would amount to nothing more than political parties using taxpayer dollars, because being here costs a fortune.
And you want to limit debate? You want to cut this down so that we don't meet on Thursday and we don't meet on Friday. The flight for me to come here is the same if I'm here for one day or seven days, but that's not the point. That's not what the opposition is attempting to do. The opposition is clearly doing exactly what they did in the $40 million ad scam, which is to find a creative way to use taxpayer dollars for their own personal political gain.
So I'm totally supportive of going eight more rounds—not fifteen, which I think might be unreasonable. But having only more round is not reasonable and not democratic. I'm going to support the subamendment to go eight more rounds as a reasonable compromise to look for the truth, if in fact that's what you're looking for.