Mr. Chair, with due respect, that is exactly my point. Yesterday you banged the gavel, literally ran out of the room, and held a press conference. You made allegations. You implied that these people had received their summonses. I'm not inferring any problems with the people you used; I'm sure they did your job.
My point is to point out to you again, sir, that you are making statements in front of the media. You banged the gavel, adjourned the meeting, ran out of the room, and held a press conference. Mr. Martin backed you up, and you made all kinds of egregious allegations without any proof.
Now, we can't take that back. But I'm asking you to admit that error. It's not your clerk's fault, sir, that you ran out and made unprovable allegations. Right now, sir, you have been caught in a dirty deed, and I'm asking you not only to admit it, apologize for it, but also to somehow impart some confidence to this committee that you will not mislead this committee or the media again.
You're doing the same thing, Mr. Martin. Let me explain something else, Mr. Martin. Yesterday—