I understand that.
Order, please. Order. Please, I'm asking other honourable colleagues to understand that Mr. Goodyear did raise a point of order. I acknowledged it. We have agreed to go through the list. There are only 10 people. Please bear with us. The member's opinions are his opinions and they speak for themselves. I'm not going to debate them with him, but I will try to help understand where I was.
And Mr. Goodyear, with regard to Mr. Muttart, all I can say is that all of this communication and the confirmation to me happened between last evening and right now, so that is not an unreasonable period of time. But nobody has received...other than the chair, because he was communicating through the clerk to me about having some special consideration. This morning it was just too late to do anything. But he had agreed; he was not summonsed. There are no consequences and I hope we'll be able to have him at a future date.
So that's my—