That's the first area, Mr. Mayrand, and the second area I'd like to get clear in my own mind about what you meant is this. I
n your testimony on July 15, in the specific transcript, you gave five factors that were helping you make the decision you did. I'm not going to go through those. You said them, and we've talked about them. What I am interested in is that towards the end of that particular segment of your testimony, you said, and I quote you:
I still have decisions to make in relation to this file. New information has emerged that is in the public record. In due course I will need to take all the available information into consideration in making further decisions required to bring closure to this matter.
I guess you've indicated that new information is in the public record. My question is this. Does this mean you're prepared to reconsider your decision? I don't know what you mean when you make that statement. That's why I'm asking for clarification.