Just give me a moment, because I will get you the precise dates.
I was in Durham, North Carolina, visiting my daughter and my granddaughter. I had my granddaughter on my lap, sitting on the couch, looking at hummingbirds.
Excuse me, but I think people will want to understand the tactic that Mr. Del Mastro has tried to pull here.
This was in July, the last week of July, after we had the hearings. Madame Proulx called me because she had been advised that the committee, at its prior hearings, had requested that the public prosecutor's office appear. She asked me the question, “What does the committee what us to do?”
I have never talked to Madame Proulx. It was a call to me out of the blue, and I said, “Three parties have asked for you to appear. The clerk will be in touch with you. I don't know what their interest is.” That was the extent.
In fact, Mr. Saunders, the public prosecutor, called me subsequently, still having some questions about whether or not they should appear, because of their solicitor-client relationship and because of a potential sub judice issue. It wasn't until last week that Mr. Saunders finally agreed to be a witness.
So on this idea that I had misled the committee, I didn't know they were a witness. I make no contacts myself.