The motion before us, if I may, and the member is correct, is that Mr. Schreiber, after we release him from here, will have his papers and have an opportunity to review them. My concern would be if he is taken immediately back to the detention centre, and the order does not allow him to have those papers with him in the detention centre, then there won't be a meeting tonight because he won't be able to do what we're asking him to do.
So I'm asking to establish, please, right now if possible, or I'll suspend this meeting until we get this answer, that you, Mr. Schreiber, will have full opportunity to review your documents, so when you return before us, whenever the committee decides, you will be in a position to give fulsome answers to the questions posed. Can you consult with your lawyer and find out how we determine who is responsible to answer that question: can Mr. Schreiber have his papers at the detention centre?
Mr. Van Kesteren is the next on the list with regard to Mr. Hiebert's motion.