Mr. Hiebert, you still have about three minutes remaining.
Mr. Schreiber, under the proceedings of Parliament, you must respond to the questions of the members unless you can justify to us that you cannot answer because you need papers, papers that we accept you did not have access to. I do understand your fine point that a slight error might have damages, and we will give you the benefit of the doubt, but I want you to affirm back to us that you understand you are not permitted to refuse to answer any questions, although you may say to us that you are not prepared to answer questions.
If we understand each other clearly, then I think Mr. Hiebert can carry on. You may say that you are not prepared to answer but not that you refuse to answer, please.
If that's clear, I'm going to give Mr. Hiebert an extra minute or two to go back to a couple of questions and receive your official answer, so that we are all very clear. Would that be all right?