I understand fully.
Colleagues, I think I want to proceed to questions by members. Mr. Schreiber has indicated he has answers to the questions we've posed. The members obviously are not required to go in precisely the same order, or even to pose all of the questions. They may have been answered by Mr. Schreiber's statement or by other information. So we really are just going back to the first round, for seven minutes.
I would also like to indicate, Mr. Schreiber, as we've discussed with you and your lawyer, not answering a question or refusing to answer is not an option, which you well understand. I understand there may be some questions that are difficult for you, because you feel they may damage some other person unjustly, etc. I will entertain any arguments or justification you have and determine how we might be able to get that information out, if it is necessary.
I also remind you again that you are covered by parliamentary privilege, which means that no testimony you give before this committee can be used against you in any other proceeding.
Do you understand what I have said?