I did not know that the National Archives of Canada Act would cover that as well. But again, I think requirements are something that need to be put in place. I'd like to put forward another analogy from the Gomery commission: part of what the Federal Accountability Act does is require some clear lines as to who's responsible for decisions on spending. If a deputy minister or an assistant deputy minister is in disagreement with a minister about whether something is legal or not, then the minister is required to send a letter to the Auditor General stating the disagreement. This way, if the spending went ahead and it was later deemed to be illegal, it's clear who's responsible.
We need that same clarity. You're required to create a record, and someone is responsible for it and for managing it in the information system. If we had this order-making power, the approval or disapproval of 60 days on something coming out or not, or on a delay in releasing it, then we would have someone who could be held personally responsible. That's what we need to bring to the system overall.