I might have inadvertently put the two issues together. One is the filing of complaints, and the other is the filing of ATIPs themselves. I shouldn't have mixed them quite so directly.
I think what the commissioner was getting at was to try to put into perspective the number of complaints the system has received. That number has gone up. At the same time, if you start to look at where the complaints come from, they come from a very small number of people, and they're directed at a very small number of government agencies.
My sense is that he was trying to give some context to the complaint numbers. If you just looked at the raw data your eyes might pop out of your head, and you might think that there's tremendous dissatisfaction. But I think many users are very pleased with the system, and I hear that from time to time. There are some good stories, and it is a good system. There is room for improvement, and you've both made some good suggestions.
I will just conclude by asking you a question. The accountability act didn't go as far as you had wanted it to go. It did make some big improvements, but if there was one thing that you could ask--and I'm going to ask you to be a politician just for five seconds--one thing that's politically realistic in the context of a minority Parliament that you think we could do, what would it be and why?