There are two items here. It's costing the public purse $2,300 per person for the 3,100 people you provide oversight for. Most of that work is self-reporting, because you don't have an audit function. So people like MPs provide the information to you. You set deadlines and say there are going to be penalties, but $2,300 seems like a lot for the number of people and what's entailed in terms of the actual work.
Then the second part of it is this. What would the cost be and what can you project and give us a sense of what would be the cost for special investigations? If you went back the last five years, there would be on average a certain number of investigations that have cost a certain amount. What is the contingency? What can we expect potentially? I know you can't arrive at an exact number, but it'd be tremendously helpful to know what your office has budgeted for that sort of contingency.