Just so members know, at Wednesday's meeting Mr. Christian Whelan, who is a lawyer in the office of the Ombudsman of New Brunswick, will be here on access to information. He'll be giving us more information, and he'll be with us about an hour to an hour and a half.
Ministers are busy. To get these tidied off, we will have the public safety minister, Mr. Van Loan. We're still trying to get a date.
We will have the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner appear before us.
These are still subject to change, so I'm not going to circulate this. There is one thing we need to do, if it's okay with members, on relatively short notice. We had started to go through the process on the 10 recommendations or suggestions for consideration. We went through it briefly, and we felt we wanted to hear from the minister on this. The minister came back and said he'd have nothing more to add to his testimony from the last time he was before us. We have no further witnesses, so we are at the point where we should maybe go down the 10 again and find out whether or not there is a consensus on whether we take a position on those, so that when we have our meeting with the Privacy Commissioner before we issue a report to the House, we will at least have had an opportunity to find out how we want to approach those 10 points.
I'd ask members to give me a little latitude here. Please have a look at them. I will give you as much notice as possible, depending on whether or not we have a free half an hour or an hour in a meeting to be able to quickly go through them and see where we are, so that when we finally get the Privacy Commissioner here we can tidy that one up.
We will be doing access to information substantively. I don't believe Mr. Poilievre is here on Wednesday either, so his item will be carried forward until next Monday.
Madam Commissioner and colleagues Ms. Benoit and Ms. Robinson-Dalpé, thank you kindly for answering all of the questions the members had, going every which way. It's good to keep in touch with you, and of course, as always, we'd like you to consider us your partner. Please keep us informed of issues and continue to make sure that we're in a position to help you whenever possible as well.
Thank you kindly to all.
We are adjourned.