Thank you.
I consider the work of this committee to be of utmost importance in reforming the Access to Information Act. Included in the work that this committee is going to undertake is a review of the reforms suggested by the Information Commissioner, the key ones of which are analyzed in the discussion paper.
I must admit, however, that I am surprised at the tone of the Information Commissioner's special report. I honestly didn't realize that the proposals in Bill C-2 relating to the ATIA, were “retrograde and dangerous”, to quote the commissioner. But I realize I should probably save these sorts of comments for our next witness, who will be the commissioner. Regardless of the tone of the report, this committee must carefully consider what it contains. I hope that doing so isn't also “dangerous”, Mr. Chair.
In his special report, the Information Commissioner states that “there has been full opportunity for debate, critique and persuasion” and that there are no knowledge gaps. But you are suggesting to us today to undertake more consultation. Could you please explain to us why you believe that more work needs to be done?