I think you've raised a couple of very interesting issues. We're always trying to do that balance, which is to protect national security and at the same time ensure that people have the right to know pertinent information, either as it relates to them personally or to issues across the country. It's not only from the standpoint of national security; this piece of legislation has to work hand in hand with the Privacy Act as well. They both have to work together. On the one hand, people have a right to assume that certain information about them is kept private. On the other hand, there is the public right to know. It's that balancing act.
One of the things you indicated in your question is that you'll have to become involved with stakeholders on this, and indeed you will. You have to let them have some input on this before we would go holus-bolus and propose a piece of legislation that would do something such as the complete abolition of section 24.