The judicial branch of government works under the principle of an open court system. Everything gets put out there. With the exemption of cabinet confidences within the parameters that you've suggested, how would you feel about that same principle having been applied 25 years ago? Once again, the mechanics just didn't allow it: we had to have physical access to information sections within buildings; we needed someone at the door to help expedite; etc.
It's also very handy to keep information isolated, and because there's a procedural aspect, it has become a procedural way of delaying and stopping. I referenced amber-lighting of members of Parliament's requests. With the current situation, I have numerous examples of not month-long but year-long delays of requests from members of Parliament on substantive and important issues of public interest.
Shouldn't we move to a modern system whereby we can just post all this information? We should just revamp the whole system. What are your thoughts on that?