This is meeting 19 of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics. Our order of the day is to continue our work on Access to Information Act reform.
Today we're welcoming as our witnesses the Canadian Bar Association. We have Gaylene Schellenberg, a lawyer from the legislation and law reform directorate; David Fraser, vice-chair, national privacy and access law section; and Priscilla Platt, executive member, national privacy and access law section.
Welcome to all of you. It's always good to hear from the Canadian Bar Association on a variety of issues in a variety of committees. I know that you do a lot of work and are very helpful to Parliament and to its committees.
I understand you have some opening statements, and then we'll take questions from the members on the so-called quick fixes that were raised with us as a consequence of the report cards from Mr. Marleau.
Gaylene, were you going to start off?