All right. I do understand.
I think, Commissioner, we saw this in Bill C-6, the health bill on human pathogens and toxins, where information could be shared with foreign governments, but the conditions were vague, it could be passed on again, and there were no conditions on how long that information could be kept. It really gets a little convoluted when you get those kinds of things happening.
We'll certainly be commenting on numbers 11 and 12, even though we haven't had witnesses to give us much input. As usual, you've acquitted yourself very well, I think, with your colleagues, in presenting your views on these things to help us better understand where you'd like to go with this.
You're an officer of Parliament and you're charged with a significant responsibility on behalf of Canadians. We know that you're here with the best interests of Canadians at heart, so we thank you kindly for that input.
The committee would like to meet in camera for a short while, so I'm going to excuse you now.